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MIL was founded on the principles of compassion, creativity and awareness. Always keeping God in mind, we aim to provide better and more sustainable design to everyday products. Our products explore new technology to elevate our standard of living through creative solutions. Our company values responsibility and innovation and hopes to show this dedication through our work. Explore and Design to fulfill the needs of lives. It is our goal. We design around people with creativity and responsibility to elevate our living standard in every detail. This is the core value and believed of Magicland Industrial Limited. When This new material (Magisticker™) was introduced to us, its “environmental friendly”, "reusable" and "easy on, easy off" characteristics have inspired us to appreciate Its unique functionality, therefore, step by step, we have implied it into everyday living products. In the beginning of 2009, we have MAGISTICKER™/MAGICSTICKER™ for our first product line.
MCNEX集團成立於2004年12月,是專門研發及生產相機模組Camera Module的公司,舉凡手機、車用、Tablet PC、筆記型電腦及家用保安監控等平台皆有研發團隊支援,掌握市場趨勢,與美、日、台、中等知名品牌廠牌及代工廠合作,建立日趨穩定的夥伴關係,不斷擴大業務規模,2010年底,MCNEX於世界相機模組的市場取得全球排名17的佔有率,顯示新興企業的成長潛力。 MCNEX集團總部及研發單位設於南韓首爾,上海、深圳、日本及台灣設有分公司,首爾及上海設有工廠,員工逾900名。 2009年12月,台灣成立韓商美細耐斯公司,設有業務及FAE單位,目前正積極擴大業務規模,期盼有更多新血加入台灣分公司行列。
Fuel blocks, fuel rails,fuel return line, adapters. $830 Blow off valve with hard pipe, silicone hose $150 Crank pulley kit $350 Ignition coil pack single plug $80 twin plug $160 Fuel lines with fittings, fuel filter to rail,cross over, return line $200 Fuel pressure regulator kit Aeromotive # 13101 $200 ECU with quick release racing harness $2450 Siemens #3105, 83lb fuel injectors six for $435 From www.fiveomotorsport.com Throttle position sensor, air temp sensor, oil temp sensor, map sensor, crank position sensor $220 Spark plug wires Twin plug $500 single plug $250 air filter $40 mount for the throttle position sensor$20 For the motor already machine for twin plug all you have to do is add a coil pack and spark plug wires to the setup. The coil pack I use is from 1995 Chrysler V-6 NIEHOFF parts number AL173
Semitel Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of discrete semiconductor products and passive protective components. We dedicate to providing customer with proprietary product and breakthrough technology in Telecommunications, IT field, power supply and display, consumer electronics and media home applications. Semitel Electronics was founded in Oct. of 2002, but it has deep roots in the microelectronics and functional material based component industry that extend back more than 20 years. Semitel proudly presents its own R&D facilities and intellectual human resources. Semitel has successfully introduced a line of electronic products consisting of Sidac, Diodes, Silicon ESD array (TVS), overvoltage/ overcurrent protectors, GDT, Polymer ESD suppressor, SMD Chip fuse and Power transformer etc……..
We are a high-tech Wireless system integrator and manufacture established at Taipei City Neihu District, TAIWAN in 1996,Engaging in the Wireless Media business of product development, technical service and providing product planning, design, manufacturing service, and integration in the fields of all digital audio broadcasting equipments including DAB(Digital Audio Broadcasting) HD, XM: Satellite Radio MPB,VOIP electronics, and total solution for worldwide valuable branded customers. Cooperated with many design houses in the States , We leading the technology in doing the Research & Development of Wireless Media products, we announced the first one HD radio among all the other manufactures, also we achieved the equivalent product manufacturing quality compared to excellent manufactures in the world. With our Core Competences and Consistent Commitments to our partner customers, our experienced R&D team come from all relevant RF background with doctor and bachelor degree, Our shareholders are mainly from local stock listed company groups. With flexible manufacturing facility including Printed Circuit Board , SMT, Antenna, assembling line were also dedicated to all to the valuable customers. We wish to play an outstanding role as a value added supplier to our customer in the Wireless Media areas.
企業緣起 世控科技成立於2008年, 因類比式Camera監控產品功能提昇有限, 數位式IPCamera的產品發展停滯不前, 兩世代下的監控產品無法滿足市場上需求, 使用上仍會造成社會治安上的問題及死角, 有鑑於此, 世控科技研發出一套全景無死角的監控軟體Panoguard, 希望能在層出不窮的社會問題中, 協助改善社會治安問題, 讓任何安防發生的事件在Panoguard監視環境下無所遁形. 企業精神 成立之宗旨抱持著對內為研發及創新, 對外為經營及合作, 目標為共創一個新的數位監控時代. 世控科技成功的碁石是由所有工作伙伴的努力所堆砌而成, 以"人"為出發點, 強調"無為而治", 培養自動自發的精神力, 獨立作業的專注力, 面對挑戰的毅力, 行銷企劃的創造力及相輔相成的結合力. 我們強調每一位伙伴對工作的驕傲和熱忱, 是一家具有研發.創新.改良.成長的企業. 企業目標 世控科技短期目標在於國內市場的開發及經營, 讓數位無死角監控能發展為安防之主流. 長期目標為站穩台灣市場並逐步邁向全球市場發展. 世控不只是一個名稱, 也代表了公司的終極目標.
中藝國際影視股份有限公司隸屬於台灣上市公司「中環股份有限公司」,是國內首屈一指的獨立片商,自1997年成立以來已向許多全球知名的片商引進無數影片,包括Focus Features, Miramax, I.S. Film, New Line, Lions Gate ... 等。行銷與業務方面與去年暑假發行創下驚人票房的「明天過後」一片的美商二十世紀福斯影片公司合作,迄今已締造不少傲人佳績,包括「蝴蝶效應」、「惡靈古堡2」和觀眾們所熟知的「魔戒」系列電影,以及於奧斯卡金像獎和金球獎大放異彩的「登峰造擊」、「神鬼玩家」和「斷背山」等,顯示中藝不但著眼於娛樂大眾的商業作品,同時也致力於教化人心的藝術成就。 對於華語片的發行,中藝也極具企圖心,眾所矚目的「十面埋伏」破天荒在故宮博物院舉辦首映,炒熱國內觀眾對華語片的興趣,吳宇森大導的鉅作「赤壁」的首映活動更移師新店碧潭。 目前中藝與台灣知名電影發行公司威視電影合作,旗下所代理之影片,交由威視電影發行與宣傳。
成立時間: 西元2007年 經營據點: 總部設於台北市 全球佈點:共1個 、大陸深圳 經營理念: ◆ 誠 信 開 拓 誠實、信用、不欺騙,為首要基本原則。 ◆ 嚴 謹 務 實 嚴格掌握並落實每個工作環節,提高貨物安全。 ◆ 勇 於 創 新 改變思考模式,創造高附加價值的服務。 ◆ 效 率 工 作 導入電腦及網站系統,定期檢視工作流程。 ◆ 全 力 以 赴 全力完成客戶交待事宜,不負所託。 企業文化: 中越全體同仁累積多年的服務經驗,以誠信、嚴謹為 正派經營的基本理念,並本著將客戶託運的貨件以最 安全、快捷、便利的方式送達為宗旨。不斷的創新與 努力來滿足客戶的需求。 品質是對客戶最佳承諾,讓中越的服務為您爭取更多的商機,成為您事業的好幫手。
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